Your Work and Your Children’s Education Is Reliant on Your Home Network
We are all aware of how dependent our lives have become on technology. But recent events have exponentially increased how reliant we are on that technology.
Now that so many of us have transitioned to working at home full-time and our children are receiving their education via virtual classrooms, we now need to be absolutely sure that we can depend on our home network.
Of course, a lot of our downtime is spent accessing streaming video platforms, and there is also the fact that many of us have home automation systems that run through the network as well like lighting and security systems.
Needless to say, the demands on your home network have never been as great as they are today.
Our clients in Dallas, TX rely on us to install and manage their home network solutions so that they can continue to work online, optimize their children’s education, and boost their home entertainment.
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What You Need From Your Home Network
As the number of connected devices increases inside your home, so does the need for a reliable network. Up until a few years ago, the average number of such devices in the household was about five. Now that has increased to around nine per residence and is steadily increasing.
Even if you have the best computers for yourself and your kids, with webcam and microphone functionality, they won’t be able to function properly without a strong network signal.
You’re going to need a high-performance network, with enough bandwidth for streaming video lessons, video conferencing, and perhaps recording presentations that your kids might need to share with their classmates.
Video streaming takes up a lot of bandwidth, so it’s important to remember that you might be on a video conference meeting at the same as your spouse is on another, not to mention the fact that your children might be simultaneously streaming a class.
And if you have a network that is also running your smart home systems and are using a standard package from your Internet Service Provider, you will most certainly experience times when you’re dropped from video chats or can’t log on at all.
How Do I Know If I Have a Good Enough Network?
To make sure your home network can provide you and your family with enough power to make your household run smoothly, we recommend consulting with a home technology expert who has had years of experience installing home network infrastructure.
An IT specialist can calculate exactly the kind of network capacity your home needs.
We’ll first examine the size of your living space, take into account how many interconnected devices you use on a daily basis, determine if you’re streaming a large amount of data, as well as take into account how many people may be using them at once.
Once we’ve crunched the numbers, we might recommend network design and components that are prepared to deal with higher demands. We may even suggest you upgrade to a network infrastructure compatible with the latest version of internet access called WiFi 6.
If you want to be sure you’re always on time for a virtual meeting or your kid’s internet signal doesn’t inadvertently kick them out of a classroom, // us here or give us a call at (972) 488-1084. We would love to hear from you!